Eka  setiawan

Passion is the name of the engine

Eka is an Indonesia based photographer, designer, and full time dreamer. His attention to mood over sharpness elevate his photography style. Eka cherish not only the result but also the individualistic process of photo editing and retouching.

Experimental Portraits

These are some of the portraits taken over the years using experimental light modifiers and continuous RGB lights. Some are meant to accentuate the beauty of the talents and some are meant to highlight the scene to convey specific mood.

Photo Zine project: Finding Hope

Finding hope is a prelude of Eka’s ongoing project “Loneliness is Collective”. This zine highlight social loneliness that reside on everyone and majority of the pictures were taken during night time.

Eye on the streets

Streets provide a myriad opportunity to practice both soft and hard skills as a photographer. Eka is learning how to pay attention to the details during the time he wander throughout the street for his daily routine.